Tuesday, 18 August 2020

A Proof of Prophecy

        Christians know that the books of prophecy in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, were originally written at a specific time, during a particular period of history, for a certain reason. Nevertheless, those words of the Lord are timeless, transcending the ages, and whilst once applied to events taking place over 2500 years ago, are yet still quite relevant and apropos to the times of today. After understanding the first meaning and application of the Old Testament prophecy, the principle and spirit of the truth contained therein can be and ought be considered carefully as to how we observe and live in our current world, cultures, and events.

        Thus, having come across two very different photographs recently, and having been reading the books of Old Testament prophecy of late, here are a few thoughts on a particular truth, a particular prophecy, and a particular world.

Nahum 3:5 says:

"Behold, I am against you, declares the LORD of hosts, and will lift up your skirts over 
your face; and I will make nations look at your nakedness and kingdoms at your shame."

        There are three things to note for this verse from Nahum and this disturbing, saddening, image.

        1. Despite the people of Israel being God's chosen people - for a time - their sin did not go unpunished. That principle carries over to the present day. God has used and will use different nations and people to fulfil His purposes, but we should not ever expect Him to overlook or forgo judgement on sin - both nationally, ecclesiastically, and individually.

        2. The image above is but a symbol and observation on a deeper, darker, and more dangerous spiritual warfare that is being fought. The evil that is in this world will continue to fight against the Sovereign Lord and His Christ. The judgements of God against the wickedness of man will continue to be poured out. Death and destruction are evidence that the effects of the curse still linger. The Christian ought to be sorry for the lost-ness that this image portrays, and be stirred to action to love our neighbour as ourselves.

        3. We must beware: if some Biblical prophecies are being plainly fulfilled yet again - as the image above arguably reveals, we must know that everything God has spoken shall come to pass. Both the bad and good that God has warned and promised will happen until the consummation of the new heaven and earth. Make things right with your Creator now, before the time for justice comes. God is being gracious and merciful in giving time to repent.

Isaiah 66:12 says:

"For thus says the LORD: Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, 
and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall nurse, 
you shall be carried upon her hip, and bounced upon her knees."

        Lastly, three observations on Isaiah 66:12 and this lovely image of beauty and truth.

        1. After judgement comes opportunity for reconciliation. Isaiah 66:12 recounts the words of God as He told the people of Israel that after the righteous judgement meted out upon their sin, the Lord would extend His gracious arm of peace and mercy to those who trust in Him alone. He will grant the most precious and glorious blessings to those who honour and revere His name. This hope of future peace is not for a specific ethnic people group, but for each person who trusts in the saving work of Christ on the cross. 

        2. This peace will not come without trials and tribulations on this mortal coil. There will be troublesome times and disturbing consequences from the depravity of mankind that occur - war and destruction will appear. The reason why the Christian must fight for the Gospel is precisely because there will be eternal peace at the end of all things. Peace makes no sense and cannot be known properly unless it's antithesis has been observed and experienced. Therefore, Isaiah 66:12 ought be the Christian's aim, because Nahum 3:5 is where they are.

        3. This ultimate peace, exemplified by the image of a child being cared for and loved by its mother, is a peace longed for within the innermost being of all mankind. Everyone may not realise it, but every heart is waiting for everything to be made right. The problem lies wherein each person thinks that peace and justice is going to be found. Sadly, very many look for it in all the wrong places. It is found only in the Kingdom of Christ. The true beauty foreshadowed in the picture above should point us to the blinding brilliance of the everlasting glory of God.

        The image at the top of this page sadly illustrates for us the depths of darkness and depravity that encompass us all round. We are not immune to sin, and must ever repent. Judgement on sin will continue to occur until Christ returns for His own. Yet the image of a mother with her children reminds us of the imagery used of God with His children - He will cherish and protect them, and under His wings will they find refuge. This is what the Christian must aim for, and by the help of the Spirit, press on towards - not stopping, not wavering. As C. S. Lewis said: “The almost impossible thing... is to hand over your whole self to Christ. But it is far easier than what we are all trying to do instead.” Pick up your Bible, read it, and press on.

Note: The first image is easily searchable online(not recommended), and was taken by a reporter during a "protest" - if public indecency can be called such - in the United States. The second image was sent me by an acquaintance who shares the same love for all things good and true and beautiful as I do. Other than that, I have no information on either of the photographs.

Written and Posted by William A. Moore 

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