Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Reflections Upon France

          At each final dinner on a Bond Tour, Mr. Bond invites anyone who wants to say something to stand and speak.  I wrote a short speech down that afternoon, reflecting upon our adventures we had, and things we learned.  Thus, here below is my speech as written, with some pictures to illustrate.

Bond Tour Speech

          Good evening, friends. I had to write down what I am planning on saying or else I'll forget it all. Nerves, you know. So here goes:

 "Mr. Bond, Ladies and Gentlemen, my friends. 

          "I speak to you now at the end of our time together, reflecting upon how quickly the time has gone, and yet how much we have experienced as a group during the past ten days.

          "We have explored many historical sites; we have been sobered by the loss of life during both World Wars; and yet we, I, have been encouraged by the reminders everywhere of the hope, freedom and peace of the Gospel, recognizing our death-bringing sinfulness but also the wonderful glory of eternal life to come for those who trust in Christ.

          "My most memorable places visited this tour included Vimy Ridge, where Canada proved herself as a valiant nation under fire over 100 years ago; and walking amongst the myriads of German crosses at St Vaast, reflecting upon the horrific death of so, so many young men on both sides of war. I also look fondly upon the memories made with a wide group of new friends, whether down in the dark Wellington Quarry, or high up the windy Eiffel Tower; and of course being encouraged by Mrs Bond to dance along the river Seine - something which I never thought I would do, but will remember forever.

          "Thank you Mr. Bond for the wealth of information you have taught me. Thank you Mrs. Bond for the work you put into helping plan the accommodations - both for food and rest. Thank you Luuk for your driving of the coach and the many places you suggested we visit. And thank you to every person seated here - every Bond Tour is unique not least because of all the people who make it so.

          "I wish safe travels to everyone and may the blessing of God our Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit go with you as you travel home.

"Thank you."

Paris - As seen from the Eiffel Tower
Exploring Paris with friends

Inside John Calvin's parish church

Arromanches - Seaside town in Normandy

Arromanches - Mulberry Harbour sections from WWII rise from the sand

La Cambe - WWII German Cemetery

At the Vimy Ridge Memorial

Thiepval - British & French WWI Memorial and Cemetary

Sunset over the English Channel

My two brothers and sister along with only a 
few of our wonderful friends at the final dinner.

It was truly an amazing adventure, shared with wonderful friends. I shall always remember fondly the fellowship, food, and fun shared with my older and younger brothers and sisters in Christ.

Written and Posted by William A. Moore

Saturday, 7 July 2018

A New Short Film

From HentyCrew Films comes a short film created for a competition, but also made to share the story of my brother as he returned to the place where my grandfather landed in Europe during WWII.

Vote for the film here, if you wish: https://rode.com/myrodereel/watch/entry/5117

Sunday, 1 July 2018

July 1st - Dominion Day

        Today is July First. Many call it 'Canada Day' - I refer to it as the day was originally called: Dominion Day. Canada's official title is 'The Dominion of Canada'. This name originates from the motto on Canada's Coat of Arms which, in Latin, reads A Mare Usque Ad Mare or in English From Sea to Sea. The phrase itself is directly taken from Psalm 72:8: "And he shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth."

        Our Fathers of Confederation, the ones who drafted up Canada's Coat of Arms and her motto knew exactly what they were saying. They were firstly pointing to the role of an earthly leader, as Psalm 72 shows, who governs a land with righteousness, justice, and mercy, as a steward of God. But secondly, and perhaps most importantly, they were reminding us, the people of Canada that there is a higher authority over all the earth - the Lord God Almighty.

        He it is who has created this world and given each of us our own little sphere of responsibility. This is an out working of the Genesis Dominion mandate which set out our job to be stewards of this earth under the Lord's authority. We are certainly not perfect at this, but mercifully there is One who is perfect. 

        That is the man, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. He reigns over me. He reigns over Toronto. He reigns over Canada. He reigns over the universe. The Lord is the one who has ultimate Dominion from sea to sea, and to the ends of the earth. He rescues sinners from the domain of the devil, and transfers them to kingdom of God. He will execute holy justice and mercy over the world. He will come again and reign in eternal power and glory.

        So what does this all have to do with the first day of July? First, it should remind us of the fallenness of our world. We will never have perfect dominion over Canada, over the world. Second, we should remember that Psalm 72 points toward a future King who will reign in righteousness. Finally, we ought to live in light of that truth - we need to submit our whole being to Christ's Lordship. The Dominion of Canada ought only to serve as a shadow, a faint picture of what God intends for Christians for eternity: endless years of eternal happiness and freedom in the Dominion of Christ.

Happy Dominion Day!

Written and Posted by William A. Moore

Sunday, 10 June 2018

An Update

          As some of you may know, I am travelling with my family to France this week. We are joining a history tour led by Douglas Bond that will take us from Paris along the Normandy coast and beyond. As part of this trip I have been working on a short film which will feature part of the trip and tell a story I have been wanting to share for some time. Here is the trailer:

 ~ William A. Moore